Inside out
The champion of the heart works alone. The champion of the inner being works from inside out. This champion prefers to lose than to win.
What a strange creature it is. For to lose is to win and most things are for it back to front. It is the deathless and the birthless. It is neither or both and beyond being and non-being. It is the changeless and immutable among the ever changing consciousness.
Detachment is pure aloofnessness. The witness with choiceless desire and affectionate attention of trust that all will in time be well given the right conditions. Otherwise it remains a seed waiting to be sprouted.
In deep sleep we are unconscious yet aware. We simply don’t remember. Mind is memory and habit. Get out of it or leave the mind alone. Don’t feed it anymore attention than necessary and it will serve you well. Mind serves you not the other way round.
When I wake up I feel rejuvenated from the deep sleep. I am going to recall that deep sleep rejuvenation to every moment of my nowness to practice intuition, alertness and watchfulness. All the time awareness works whether I am conscious or not ie whether I remember or not. Lapses in memory does not matter. Non-understanding is even better because it’s when I don’t understand that I don’t use my mind.
Inside out means transforming whatever feeling, thoughts, emotions, movement in consciousness within myself to neutrality. From that neutral, equal state I be and live my truth for the usefulness and helpfulness of all around me. Even my presence in such state heals and brings a sense of unequalled peace.
Whenever I see a problem – that is the problem. Each time I identify a thing, I am the thing. The way I view a problem is the problem. For as long as I call it a “problem” I do not have a hope of dissolving it. I need to identify all hurts, problems and evilness as mere illusions or plays in the cosmic dream by the mind. After all with no mind, where are my problems.
The greatest swordman in Japan, Miyamoto Musashi, the greatest Brazilian Ju-jitsu champin or ultimate fighter will tell you one thing. To lose is to learn. To conquer is to know oneself humble ultimately. For without humility to address the personal ego in check, the highest reigning champion would have no hope of surviving the price of pride of his individual ego. Hence death before honour for many samurai mentalities. That is pitifully pride and truly unnecessary pain.
To conquer oneself one does it inside out. The change and transformation comes genuinely and willingly from within one’s being. To want earnestly to change is enough. It would happen naturally if one does not resist or use or believe the hindrances from the mind and simply trust the course of nature to perform her work.
To earnestly want to change from the inside out is enough. Observe the change and flow with it without resisting. Enjoy the ride and the rush, my friend.
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